Tuesday 18 March 2014



I did a few tests where I used paper to see if it is useful for my animation.
I have found out that I won't be using paper as it can be accidently altered via environmental changes.

I then did another test to see what my original idea would look like. I liked how it all worked but the only things I would change would be that the play doh models would not stay up right, so next time I would either find a different material for it.

Example of the E4 Play Doh model. I have used purple play doh and then goggly eyes.

Another Example of the other Play Doh Model. I have used the same materials as the other play doh model.

The football which is going to be used for the football match. I have used play doh and then paint to paint over the play doh, as I could not find white play doh, I then got a black permanent marker and painted the marks on it, like you would see on a football.

The Goal posts that are going to be used in the football match. I have used straws to make this and then the netting they use for an orange pack, I have used that as the netting for the goal posts.

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